Grades: 3rd-5th graders
Subjects: Science
Objective: Florida Solar Energy Center, a research institute of the University of Central Florida (UCF), has created several energy-focused lesson plans for Florida students. The curriculum is aligned with Florida state standards. The lesson featured here focuses on basic information about hydrogen. The lesson plans and activities introduce students to safety and many uses of hydrogen.
Overview: This featured curriculum guide has the teacher divide students into small groups to read over background materials and vocabulary words. State standards that are aligned with curriculum are:
Benchmark SC.A.1.2.5, Benchmark SC.B.1.2.1, Benchmark SC.B.1.2.2, Benchmark SC.B.1.2.4, Benchmark SC.B.2.2.2, Benchmark SC.B.2.2.3, Benchmark SC.D.2.2.1, Benchmark SC.H.1.2.3, Benchmark SC.H.3.2.1, Benchmark SC.H.3.2.4
Sample quizzes are included in curriculum. Students will be able to explain the benefits
and disadvantages of using fuel cells to generate electricity and power vehicles. Students and teachers can visit the PBS website to read more details on hydrogen fuel cell cars. This website also includes an interactive version of a fuel cell car.
Visit’s Florida state page to see how the state fares with energy efficiency.